Registration information for the 2024 Summer Season
Welcome to the 2024 Summer Season - our first practice is March 25th and registration will be on Thursday, March 28th from 5:00pm - 6:30pm in the Cafeteria. We are excited that you are interested in joining us. Below is the registration information. If you have any questions, please ask!
District Registration
In order to be registered with the school for Marching Band, every student needs to complete the District Registration. Students need to have an up-to-date physical on file with the Activities Office at Champlin Park. Please follow the link below to complete the District registration.
Registration Page linked HERE
Registration Information PDF linked HERE
Please note - students who fail to complete the district registration by Thursday, April 4th will be held from rehearsal until their registration is complete. It is school policy and for the student's safety that they have been cleared by a physician before participating.
Band Booster Registration
On Thursday, March 28th we will host a Forms and Fees night from 5:30pm - 6:30pm in the Champlin Park Cafeteria. (Enter door E4). At this time all of the forms and payments can be made for the Booster side of Marching Band registration. The date will be posted soon - please check back regularly.
Note that in order to be fully registered we need the following three forms completed and turned in. Students are responsible for ordering their shoes, gloves, and compression shirts.
Ordering and Fees Form - Wind & Percussionists
Ordering and Fees Form - Color Guard
Ordering and Fees Form - Honor Guard
Marching Band Handbook - reference only
New this season - you can fill out three of the forms electronically. The ordering and fees form is still to be filled out in person, however, you can fill out the others by following the links below.
There is not an online payment option with the boosters this season.