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Champlin Park Band Association
The Champlin Park Band Association (CPBA) would like to invite you to our upcoming meetings. Attending the meetings is a great way to support the Champlin Park band program and connect with other parents. Anyone with a student in the band program is welcome to attend; join us in person or via the Zoom link. Meeting topics include reports from the band directors, 2023 Board leadership open positions, fundraising opportunities, planning for the upcoming season, and updates to the trucks and trailers for the marching band.
To get more information on your student's band account and balances please email cpba.sacct@gmail.com.
Upcoming meetings
Our regular meetings are held on the last Monday of each month at 7:00pm in the CPHS Band Room. *Please reference calendar to confirm date each month.
2023 Executive Board:
Paul Beasley- cpba.pres@gmail.com
Vice President
Matt Cole - cpba.vp@gmail.com
Amy Smith - cpba.secy@gmail.com
Brian Martenson - cpba.treas@gmail.com
Past President
Nick Martini
Support Positions:
Communications, Erin Rider cpba.communications@gmail.com
Concessions Scheduling, Jenniffer Whitworth cphsconcessions@gmail.com
Concessions Supplies, Sheila Nesbitt cpba.csuppply@gmail.com
Concessions Accounting, Julia Sevald cpba.cacct@gmail.com
Fundraising, Guillaume Paek cpba.fundraisers@gmail.com
Rebel Classic (President), Paul Beasley cpba.pres@gmail.com
Student Accounts, Brett Reichter cpba.sacct@gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator, Jody Mikkelson cpba.chaperone@gmail.com
Uniforms, Tamra Maroushek & Amy Smith cpba.uniforms@gmail.com
Band Directors:
Steve Johnson - StephenA.Johnson@ahschools.us
Steve Lyons - Steve.Lyons@ahschools.us
Champlin Park Band Association Leadership Roles:
Executive Board members work with Band Director and staff to determine an operating budget, program schedules for volunteer support, and coordinate all activities required to support the band programs. The Board provides oversight and direction to parent volunteers and will approve or appoint committee chairpersons. Board members also volunteer their time for and at events and programs throughout the season. Neither the Board, nor the booster organization, has oversight of any program staff (they all report up through to the Band Director). The Band Director is an ex-officio member of the Executive Board with full voting privileges.
Any executive board member should have at least one student in any band program during that time frame (with certain exceptions for vacancies, per organization constitution and by-laws).
· President - Call and preside at meetings of band boosters and is an ex-officio member of any committee (of the band boosters or any event committees). Works closely with the Band Director to ensure that the band booster organization is in harmony with the Band Director’s vision and that the boosters substantially support the band programs. In general, the President serves as Vice President the prior year and transitions to the role of Past President immediately upon completion of their term.
· Past President – advise and assist the Executive Committee and the President with the formulation of the budget for the next year, as well as serve as a co-chair for Rebel Classic. It is expected that the President assumes this role immediately upon completion of their term as President.
· Vice President - shall support the President and assume all the duties of the President in their absence. The Vice President shall prepare to immediately succeed the President the following term (and serve as Past President immediately thereafter).
· Treasurer - Record all receipts and disbursements and provide the lead on budget development and management, as well as maintain all banking/credit card relationships. Also responsible for ensuring any applicable tax forms are filed and any applicable taxes are paid on a timely basis. The Treasurer shall also prepare and present an annual financial report upon request. A major responsibility includes maintaining the student billing accounts, issuing invoices, and processing payments for member dues, donations, event/merchandise/concession revenues. Works with the Secretary to ensure all non-profit paperwork is filed in timely fashion on behalf of the band boosters.
· Secretary - Keeps the records and minutes of all meetings (executive board and parents) and attend to any necessary correspondence. The Secretary works with the President to set and distribute agendas and minutes for all meetings, as applicable.